Bestwood Mental Health Services - Your Path to Personal Recovery and Resilience

Bestwood Mental Health Services

Bestwood Mental Health Services assists individuals with emotional, behavioral, and psychiatric disorders which result in functional impairments in traditional day-to-day life activities. Our services focus on developing social skills, developing coping skills, being an active participant in the local community, offering community choice, and psychoeducation. We help individuals develop skills and access resources needed to live more positive, active and social lives.

Our Services List

Program Options

Comprehensive, 24-hour residential programs for adults with serious mental illness.

Intensive Residential
Treatment Services

Our IRTS based program is structured, comprehensive, 24-hour mental health residential programs for adults with serious mental illness. We develop Individual Treatment Plans for each person served, based on an assessment of their strengths and needs. These personalized plans outline skills, activities and groups that a person may participate in to promote their recovery and mental health stability. Our treatment service components use established psychiatric rehabilitative principles and values and are consistent with best practices based on contemporary research.

Our services are trauma-informed, harm reduction oriented, and person-centered. We offer individual and group skill development, room and board, medication management, assessment and planning, and resource acquisition. We work as partners with our people served to build functional and sustainable skills identified on their personalized treatment plan.

IRTS programs are designed to develop and enhance: psychiatric stability, personal and emotional adjustment, self-sufficiency, and skills to live in a more independent setting. Skills and resources that may be offered through individual or group:

Individuals qualifying for our IRTS must be Minnesota Health Care Program eligible and meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a primary diagnosis of mental illness as determined by a diagnostic assessment
  • Have a completed functional assessment using the domains specified in statute and have three or more areas of significant impairment in functioning
  • Have a completed LOCUS assessment where a Level 5 is indicated
  • Be reasonably expected to commence or resume illness management and recovery skills or strategies at this level of service
  • Need 24-hour supervised, monitored and focused treatment approach to improve functioning and avoid relapse that would require a higher level of treatment
  • Is not responsive to an adequate trial of active treatment at a less intensive level of care
  • Is at risk of significant functional deterioration if IRTS are not received

Have one or more of the following:

  • History of two or more inpatient hospitalizations in the past year
  • Significant independent living instability
  • Unhoused, or periods of being unhoused
  • Frequent use of mental health and related services yielding poor outcomes in outpatient or community support treatment

Individuals who are 17 years old and transitioning to adult mental health services may be considered for IRTS if the service is determined to best meet their needs. IRTS providers must secure a licensing variance in this situation. Members may receive IRTS instead of hospitalization, if appropriate.